Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Hiking the Hills

We finally got our chance to hike the hills. We went to Snow Canyon. We love to walk around the red rocks, but I have to admit this time we went to break the law. Not a big law, but a very small one. We went to get some rocks for Aunt Glenna. Leo brought me some and Glenna wanted to have some, I wasn't about to give her any Leo gave me so we had to resort to stealing. Leo told us where to go. We got lost so I asked the ranger where to find these rocks. Did I feel guilty, a little, but we still did it. We did find the rocks and we did take some. Most of all we enjoyed the beautiful country that we were in. I don't know how people cannot believe in God when there is beauty like this. Oh by the way Glenna did get the rocks and loved them.

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