Friday, May 29, 2009

This is what it is all about......

This is why we made our trip to California. E was baptized on the 23 of May. This is the 4th grandchild that we have had baptized in the last year. What fun it is to see them all grow up and make the choice to follow the Savior. E was so grown up, he greeted every one as they came in. He also thanked each person for coming. At the end he stood up on his own and announced that we would be opening the doors and putting cookies out. It was really something. No one knew he was going to do it for sure. I can't believe he is 8. He was just a little baby and now he is a young man. His Grandpa and Grandma are so proud of him. I am sure he will be perfect, for a few days, and then he will get on with life.

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