Friday, May 15, 2009

Update on Al's Thumb

No picture of this. Haylee has one on her phone, but I didn't even look. We went to the doctors today, he took a pair of plyers and pulled the pin out of Dad's thumb. It was terrible! I watched all the other stuff they did, but for some reason that was just bad. The worst part came after when the doctor told him that he should not put a dressing on it. He also told him that he needed to be careful because he could tear the ligament. Before he did alot because it was protected and now he is really limited. He is driving us nuts. I wanted to call Tori to see if she could baby sit him. Oh well I am sure we will all live through the whole thing.

1 comment:

The Handleys said...

I will watch him, but i do not put up with winning.